Saturday, October 19, 2013

Celestial Geometry of MyAereth

I’ve always had an underpinning structure to the cosmology of my home-brewed game world, but since it doesn’t conform to the standard cosmology that the more popular fantasy RPG settings and supplements it has mostly been sitting on the shelf collecting dust for the last few years.  With the arrival of DCCRPG and all of its wide open spaces I thought I might put it out there for others who may also like a little structure to work with and who may not have the time or desire to write it all out from scratch.  Having a detailed understanding of how magic functions adds depth to the game’s milieu and helps the Storyteller by supplying a consistent framework that players can explore. What follows is an excerpt from the as yet unpublished Liber Arcanum, a book of DCCRPG compatible spells and lost lore to supplement its magic system.


Quoted with permission from Cognition Pressworks:

“Originally I had thought to devote an entire chapter of {Liber Arcanum} to the cosmology of a gaming Universe, but after I thought about it for a while I realized that the nature of the DCC RPG system and the flavors of the Appendix N universes really don’t have room for too much standardization of Cosmology; everyone’s RPG universe will be so different as to render books on cosmology largely useless. Besides, most of the realms have either been covered at length and are sitting on the shelves of gamer’s libraries already; or, they are off limits due to product licensing. However, as the basic building blocks of a fantasy universe the Primal Elements could be thought of as common to all universes; in theory at least. But that’s not enough for DCC; Appendix N has no room for ordinary, so I diverted from the classic 4 part elemental division familiar to most gamers. This section is offered as a set of ideas for the Storyteller to use or ignore at their leisure and is intended to spur him or her to new ideas and possibilities for their own game milieu.  However, since this approach is ingrained in everything that I write, perhaps a few words of explanation are in order to facilitate the reader’s understanding of the spells and other concepts in this book.

I first introduced this elemental system in Critters, Creatures, & Denizens, but there wasn’t enough room in that work to really explore and explain this quintessence of forces. Though I should really say; ‘re-introduced’, because I’m certainly not the first to try to bring this concept into the Fantasy RPG paradigm. It is also fair to say that the idea never really went anywhere; I’d be surprised if I had any greater success in this endeavor. But, with the unique opportunity to re-shape and re-define the gaming environment afforded by the arrival of DCC RPG, I simple couldn’t resist the chance to try.

The concept of 5 elements has been with humanity for millennia, Aristotle and Plato both postulated a 5 element theory, but the idea never became popular in Western Philosophies. However, the 5-element theory is as strong today in the rest of the world as it ever was in antiquity. The difficult part for most people seems to be the idea of Thought and Intention or ‘Spirit’ as a physical force; but if you think about it for a moment, we see the ebb and flow of this force every day of our lives. This force can be seen in the cycles of life shared by all creatures of the world; or when we open a newspaper and read of the world’s events. It soon becomes evident that not only are Thought and Spirit capable of acting upon the world to wreak havoc and miraculous changes just as any other physical force; but that Spirit is the most powerful of the 5 elements. It challenges us, shapes the world around us and our individual and collective destinies constantly as we make the decisions to navigate through our journey of life.

But energy unbounded and ever growing is dangerous when left unchecked; the animating force is no exception. For what is Life without Death? In this model of the meta-verse the 5th element supplies the consciousness of all living creatures so it must also be conscious, else it couldn’t impart this gift to others.  As the most powerful of the elements and being self-aware, the elemental force of Spirit is capable of self-regulation.  The mechanism for this regulation is the de-animating force, the negative corollary to life itself; Entropy, or to use the more common term...Death. This bifurcated nature makes Spirit truly unique among the elements, but this dualistic character further occludes the nature and potential of this strange element when studied.

As stated on page 15 of the CCD the interactions between these 2 halves of the Spirit are balanced within all living creatures, at least those who are in good health. But these forces would annihilate each other like matter and anti-matter were it not for the buffering effects of the other 4 elements also present in balanced amounts. The interactions of the elements are shown on table 1-9 reprinted from the CCD and expanded slightly.

Table 1-9; Elemental Energies & Damage


Air – Sonic, Music, Charms

Fire – Fire, Heat

Water – Acid, Ice, Cold

Earth – Electricity, Bludgeoning

Spirit (+) – Heat/ Force/ Paroxysm/ Healing

Spirit (-) – Cold/ Force/ Paralysis/ Draining

Table 1-10 outlines the various interactions between the elements. While the destructive properties are easy enough to understand, the process of enhancement is left vague so as to allow for wider use. Generally enhancement refers to things like the ability of fire to create refined metals and alloys, or to describe the ‘air’ made available to aquatic creatures, or the winds carrying clouds of water vapor gently through the sky.  Positive energy creatures act to enhance the flow of the elements where ever possible. Negative energy creatures work constantly to unravel the elemental forces and are constantly at odds with the growth of the natural world. When earth enhances fire, the results are nothing less than… well… volcanic. 

Table 1-10; Contrary and Complimentary

Elemental Energies:

Air – Starves Fire & enhances Water

Fire – Boils Water & enhances Earth

Water – Erodes Earth & enhances Air

Earth – Traps Air & enhances Fire

Spirit (+) – Cancels out Spirit (-) & enhances all other Elements

Spirit (-) – Cancels out Spirit (+) & has a degenerative effect on all other Elements.

How these interactions play out in the game environment is up to the Storyteller, as is the existence of any Para-elements such as Steam, Magma, Mud, and others. For the CCD and Liber Arcanum the default setting is that these Para-elemental Planes do exist and there are several critters based upon these sometimes contrary and always unstable hybrid elements. Within this paradigm, even contrary elements may be forced to combine disproportionately to the other elements or even in their absence. Mud Mephits for example are an unstable conglomeration of Earth, Water, and just enough positive or negative Spirit energy to qualify as a life form. These unstable combinations often have severe dietary requirements as well as restrictions to movement and environment when brought to the Material Plane. All of these Para-elemental

combinations are unstable by technical definition, but the enhancing effects between Elements

can create powerful hybridizations like the Cloud and Lava Mephits; see Critters, Creatures, & Denizens for further details on these creatures.

This model of the elements also allows for the expression of the Faerie Kingdoms as amalgams of nearly pure positive or negative energy with just a touch of another element. Thus Sprites and Spriggans are nearly identical and both are air spirits; they just have opposite polarities, view points, and goals. These goals are as varied as their physical forms, but faerie kind generally fall into one of two main camps: the faeries who see mortals as children to be guided & protected; and the Faeries who see mortals as cattle to be hunted and used for sport. Table 1-11 outlines the Para-elements and their attendant damage types.  Creatures constructed with such energies are vulnerable to all of the elemental energies to which their constituent elements would normally be susceptible. 

On a cosmic scale, all these elemental forces are balanced against one another and all are set into motion by the dynamic tension between the animating and de-animating force. In conjunction with the ‘smaller’ world theme favored within the DCC RPG system, this Elementalist view of the Cosmos allows us to enfold many of the functions and themes of other realms presented through the years into either the positive or negative aspect of Spirit. For my writing and gaming this has generally taken the form of the 13 Heavenly Kingdoms and the 13 Kingdoms of Hell. I have defined these greatly within the scheme of my game environment, but I have deliberately held off publishing many details so that the end user has more freedom to implement these ideas in their game milieu. However, it can be generally said that the 1st Kingdom of Heaven is the largest and is circular, like all other Kingdoms both above and below. The ascending Heavenly Kingdoms are each dedicated to a principle or mortal conception of Heaven and the afterlife; as well as the abodes of certain deities. Through meditation the souls ascend to find the place that makes them feel most at peace, or they choose to be reborn into the Material world again.

Table 1-11; Para- Elements and their damage types

Cloud – Acid, Asphyxiation, Sonic

Dust – Asphyxiation, Sonic, Slashing

Lava – Electricity, Fire, Bludgeoning

Mud – Acid, Asphyxiation, Sonic, Constriction

Smoke – Asphyxiation, Poisons and Toxins, Steam Acid, Heat, Steam

Faerie (+) – Any available to its elemental subtype, spells

Faerie (-) – Any available to its elemental subtype, spells

These other Heavenly Kingdoms may be assigned as the Storyteller wishes, but these three truths hold constant during the ascension: each kingdom is slightly smaller, and the available ambient power of the kingdom doubles. Lastly, at the pinnacle of this Celestial Mountain is the Eternal Garden. Only a few hundred paces across, the 13thth Kingdom of Heaven is a peaceful garden with several meditation platforms and delicate arrangements of flowers, stones, and intricately raked sands. All set within a single perfect summer day that never fades. There are streams within the Eternal Garden that flow from the eight points of the compass and into the Well of Forever; a central pond lined with jade and turquoise. Two ancient fish swim within its crystal clear water; Harmony and Wisdom, one has scales of gold smoothed by eons of languid swimming, the other has polished silver scales sparkling and glinting in the sun brighter than the finest of mirrors. The few enlightened souls which ascend to this level meditate here for centuries

or even millennia before moving on to whatever is beyond; for even the Angels know not where souls go whence they depart the Eternal Garden.

Most of this holds true for the lower realms; just in reverse. As the Kingdoms of Hell descend into the darkness, they too contract in size as their power grows. The Kingdoms of Hell are similarly arranged as the Heavens, in that each of the Kingdoms of Hell are dedicated to a particular concept or version of Hell associated with a specific doctrine or dogma and are the abodes of certain evil deities. The Storyteller should feel free to assign these as needed for their campaign; however, the 13th and lowest Kingdom of Hell is a small, nameless dungeon so bleak, so vile, that even devils are nervous when they must travel to this forsaken place. The reason for this trepidation is clear to any souls unfortunate enough to be interred within; at the center of the dungeon is a pit so malevolent that its dark corruption appears only as a mixture of viscous, oily mists and horrific visions swirling chaotically in its endless depths. Those who stare into this kaleidoscope of despair and wickedness find themselves dragged into the Outer Darkness where only demons and forgotten gods slumber and dream through eternity.


For those Storytellers and Players who enjoy a good romp through the Planes, I’ve included a basic diagram or ‘map’ of this Celestial Geometry. In this model of the multiverse any particular part of the Material Plane is a stable point of reference where all Elemental aspects overlap. This point of harmonic convergence is unmistakable, because it is usually a sphere that we would recognize as a planet. Even though the elemental planes are infinite in scope, only the small area near and within the overlapped area contains the vital forces needed for life and these regions are thought of as the various Planes, of Fire, or Earth, etc. because these are the only places where living beings of a non-elemental nature may travel. The deep reaches of any Elemental Plane are much too hostile for travel or use by mortals. The exceptions to this rule are the Planes of Positive and Negative Spirit Energy. They have the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell housed within the Outer Reaches of their respective Planes; while the regions closer to the overlap

manifest as Para-elemental Planes. The near region of the Positive Energy Plane is called the Ethereal Plane, but it is sometime called Summer Home, or Faerie Land, the lands across the sea, and other names; it is where the positively aligned Faerie make their homes when not on the Material Plane. The near region of the Negative Energy Plane is called the Plane of Sorrows and is a land of shadows and the wandering, restless, dead that cannot find their way onward. The negatively aligned aeries call this place home when they are not tormenting mortals on the Prime Material Plane. 

The space between the spaces also needs definition and it too is bifurcated into a close and an outer section; both are referred to generically as Astral Space. The closer of the two regions is known as the Palace of Dreams and is where the Pattern of Reality is fixed by the dreams of the gods and mortals. The farther reaches of the Astral Plane are known as the Outer Darkness and it is where demons and forgotten gods slumber. It is the last and strangest frontier; appearing to be infinite, however sages, elves, and magi have theorized that if one were to travel far enough into the Outer Darkness, one could possibly find other worlds cocooned within their own dreams.

Who lives upon these planes and how magic spells function therein is up to the individual Storyteller because every game world is different. The four elemental kingdoms of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth are straight forward and are ruled by the various Elemental Lords and Ladies. These four Planes are common to all universes, but let common sense rule the day whenever possible. For example, fire spells probably don’t work very well on the Plane of Water, Steam, or Mud. Likewise, how the Planes connect to one another as well as the means by which each is accessed is also subject to the whims of the Storyteller with the following caveat: in this model the Prime Material Plane is considered part of every Plane because it is the node upon which everything else balances. As such, the enterprising and powerful wizard (or cleric for that matter) can travel from the Prim Material Plane to any other Plane in a single ‘step’ assuming they

have the right spell, or item and enough power.

The following diagrams are offered as an aid to understanding; the first shows the Celestial Geometry of the Five Elemental Planes in relation to the Material Plane. Also shown on this first diagram are the Para-elemental Planes of Clouds, and Lava as well as Summer Home and the Plane of Sorrows. These diagrams have been stretched, pulling the planes away from each other somewhat to better illustrate their places. The second diagram omits the 5th element entirely in order to better show the Para-elemental Planes; both diagrams have representations of The Palace of Dreams, and the Outer Darkness.

Celestial Geometry 1

Celestial Geometry 2 (looking down from the 1st level of Heaven)

Random planes:
If there is need of a random Plane; roll 1d14. On a result of 5, 6, or 14, roll percentile dice to further clarify. If this is affecting a Player Character they apply their Luck bonus or penalty to both the d14 roll and to any percentile rolls needed. For the percentile roll, multiply the character’s Luck modifier by 10% and apply this result as a bonus or penalty to their roll. Anyone who ends on Positive or Negative Plane of Spirit is in the 1st Kingdom of Heaven or Hell depending on the result. 

1. Plane of Air

2. Plane of Fire

3. Plane of Water

4. Plane of Earth

5. Plane of Spirit (+), roll d100
< 50% = 5a. Plane of Spirit (-)

6. Plane of Sorrows, roll d100
< 50% = 6a. Summer Home

7. Para-elemental Plane of Lava

8. Plane of Clouds and Vapors

9. Para-elemental Plane of Smoke.

10. Para-elemental Plane of Steam

11. Para-elemental Plane of Mud

12. Para-elemental Plane of Dust

13. Prime Material Plane

14. Palace of Dreams, Astral Space
< 51% = 14a. The Outer Darkness”

Runes for the DCCRPG Core Rules

Now that I'm into the illustrating phase for Liber Acanum and one of the spells in its pages is an "elder" version of the Runic Alphabet (Mortal) spell with casting checks all the way out to 36 and an additional 15 runes for players to discover... as well as some other surprises.  In which is contained many things that have long been forgotten.  These are the standard runic symbols that I'll be using for my games from here on, so I thought I should post them for players. 

However, in the fine and long standing tradition of other DCC and Goodman Games products, I figured that this spell is an excellent candidate for a handout.

AND... with the permission of Goodman Games and Cognition Pressworks, a printable PDF of the runes above as well as a set of blank tiles are available at the following link:

Check back later for the standard set of Faerie Runes...  ;)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My version of DCCRPG Table 1-3 (Occupations)

Hey folks,

This post serves two purposes:
1. As the title suggests, I'll be posting a copy of the table.
2. I also wanted to make mention that I've updated the 'rulings I've had to make' entry to reflect the most current version of my house rules.  To which I've added a great deal of new material to further flesh out the non-human races and introduce the half-orc character class... because my version of table 1-3 is devoid of half-lings: so is MyÁereth.

Replacement for Table 1-3:
For the following rules adjustments and additions which require rolls, all are modified by luck and any other conditions the Storyteller deems appropriate.  Both the table and the material below assume the user has access to Critters, Creatures, & Denizens and are unique to MyÁereth setting… and are nearly useless for anyone not using this or a similar paradigm. 

Trained weapon
Trade Goods
Notable skills
Oil, 1 Flask1
Knows how to make alchemical items
Animal Trainer
Knows about animals
Hammer (as club)
Iron Helmet
Knows how to make and repair armor
Knows obscure lore
Razor (as dagger)

Knows about healing and basic hygiene,
Jar w/ 1d3 leaches
Holy Symbol
Knows divine lore, and information about their god specifically
Jar of Honey3
Knows about insects & horticulture
Hammer (as club)
Knows about making and repairing metal tools and weapons
Clever (as axe)
Side of Beef
Knows about preserving/ processing meat
Caravan Guard
Short Sword
Warm Cloak
Knows how to pilot a wagon/cart. Knows tactics and how to fight in large formations; gains +1 to attacks and damage for every 3 soldiers, mercs, Squires, Nobles, or caravan guards attacking en mass.
Cudgel (club)
Stinky Cheese
Knows about fermentation and fungus
Awl (as dagger)
Set of Boots
Knows about shoemaking and local rumors
Confidence Artist
Quality Cloak
Forge Document & Disguise (as thief)
Crowbar (as club)
Knows about Woodwork & shipping things
Knife (as dagger)
Fruit Cart5
Knows about horticulture & rumors
Small Chest6
Pick-pockets & Sneak Silently (as thief)
Ditch Digger
Shovel (as staff)
1lb of dirt
Knows about tunneling and some lore of underground environments
Dwarven Apothecarist
Cudgel (as staff)
Steel Vial of7
Dwarf abilities, knows about healing and basic chemistry, etc.
Dwarven Blacksmith
Mithril (1oz)
Dwarf abilities, can make and repair metal tools, weapons, and armor with great skill. Can use gear-work
Dwarven Chest maker
Chisel (as dagger)
Block of wood (5lbs)
Dwarf abilities, Knows carpentry
Dwarven Herder
Random Animal8
Dwarf abilities, Knows mountain survival skills
Dwarven Miner
Dwarf abilities, Knows mine engineering and refining/ smelting ore
Dawrven Mushroom-farmer
Shovel (as dagger)
Filter Mask/  & Goggles10
Dwarven abilities, Knows all about Mycology
Dwarven Rat-catcher
Dwarven abilities, Knows dozens of recipes for rats
Dwarven Stonemason
Block of stone (5lbs)
Dwarven abilities, Knows more about stone & construction than the average dwarf
Elven Artisan
Clay, 1lb
Elven abilities, mastered a type of art/craft
Elven Barrister
Quill (as dagger)
Elven abilities, Knows laws and customs of 1d3 races
Elven Chandler
Scissors (as dagger)
Candles, 20
Elven abilities, Knows about making candles
Elven Falconer
Elven abilities, Knows hunting & animal training
Elven Forester
Short Bow
Arrows, 20
Elven abilities, Knows more about the wilderness than the average elf
Elven Glass-blower
Hammer (as club)
Glass Beads, 50
Elven abilities, Knows how to make glass and ceramic tools and utensils
Elven Navigator
Calipers (as dagger)
World Map13
Elven abilities, Knows geography and the obscure lore of far off places
Elven Sage
Parchment, Qill
Elven abilities, Knows obscure lore for 1d3+1 subjects
Elven Shepherd
Random Animal8
Elven abilities, Knows animal lore beter than most elves.
Pitchfork (as spear)
Random Animal8
Has 60% chance to accurately predict the weather; multiply luck modifier  by10% and add to the base to fine out accuracy rate.
Fortune Teller
Tarot Deck
Minor divination skills14
Knows people in low places,
Hide in shadows (as thief)
Trowel (as dagger)
Sack of night soil, 5lbs
Sneak Silently & Hide in Shadows (as thief)
Grave Digger
Shovel (as staff)
Knows basic funerary rights & undead lore
Guild Beggar
Knows Disguise and Sneak Silently
(as thief)
Guild Pilot
Guild Secrets, Knows how to pilot a wagon/cart and use gear-work17
Half-orc, scout
Hand axe
Rabbit Meat
Half-orc abilities, Knows wilderness and survival lore
Half-orc, hunter
Random live animal8
Half-orc abilities, Knows how to track and hunt
Half-orc, mutant
Hooded Cloak
Half-orc abilities, Probably has powers, strange abilities
Half-orc, blacksmith
Hammer (as club)
Bronze Breastplate18
Half-orc abilities, Knows about making weapons and armor
Half-orc, cook
Brass ladle (as club)
Brass Stew Pot
Knows how to cook nearly anything and make it digestible.
Holy Water, 1 vial
Knows healing arts
Herbs19, 1lb
Knows Herb lore and can make healing poultices and poisons
Herding Dog8
Knows Animal Lore
Short Bow
Deer Pelt
Knows how to track and survive in the wild
Indentured Servant
Sneak Silently (as thief), Knows local rumors
Silk Clothing
Knows Acrobatics, Juggling, and obscure lore as well as local and foreign rumors
20gp Gem
Knows Gem cutting/setting and basic non-ferrous metal-working
Fine Tools
Knows Engineering, Find and Disable traps (as thief)
Holy Symbol
Knows divine lore, and basic survival skills
Long Sword
Hide Armor
Knows tactics and how to fight in large formations; gains +1 to attacks and damage for every 3 soldiers, mercs, Squires, Nobles, or caravan guards attacking en mass.  Knows codes & laws as well as geography
4gp, 14sp, 27cp
Knows codes & laws as well as geography, and can figure out what things are worth.  Also knows how to pilot a wagon/cart.
Sack of Flour, 1lb
Knows how to make breads and cakes as well as grinding flour

Knows geography, obscure lore, as well as read languages (as thief), and may ‘sing for their supper’
Long Sword
Gold ring, 10gp
Knows of current events, may command peasants other than Jesters, and any character with thief skills.  Outranks Squire. Knows tactics and how to fight in large formations; gains +1 to attacks and damage for every 3 soldiers, mercs, Squires, Nobles, or caravan guards attacking en mass.
Rag Doll
Knows Sneak Silently (as thief)
Knows Sneak Silently, Backstab (as thief)
Short Sword
Leather Armor
Knows Sneak Silently, climb sheer surfaces, & Hide In shadows (as thief)
Rope Maker
Knife (as dagger)
100ft rope
Knows basic and complex knots
Parchment, 10
Knows an extra 2 languages
Herbs19, 1lb
Knows divine lore as well as the Patron Bond spell for one patron; and no other spells
Strange looking rock22
Knows Sneak Silently (as thief); roll again on table 3-1 to see what they are/were trained to do, a second result of slave indicates they are a Dancer/Prostitute.
Waterproof sack6
Has knowledge of faraway places; Knows Sneak Silently, Forge Document (as thief) as well as how to pilot a wagon/cart
Knows tactics and how to fight in large formations; gains +1 to attacks and damage for every 3 soldiers, mercs, Squires, Nobles, dwarfs, or caravan guards
Long Sword
Steel Helmet
Knows of current events, may command peasants other than Jesters, and any character with thief skills.  Knows tactics and how to fight in large formations; gains +1 to attacks and damage for every 3 soldiers, mercs, Squires, Nobles, or caravan guards attacking en mass.
Scissors (as dagger)
Fine suit of clothing
Knows arithmetic and geometry, as well as local and foreign rumors
Tax Collector
 Long Sword
Knows how to intimidate people as well as how to pilot a wagon/cart.
Badger Pelt
Knows wilderness lore
Begging Bowl
Knows Hide in Shadows (as thief)
Fine Rug
Knows how to tie knots
Push Cart23
Knows how to pilot a wagon/cart as well as how to use gear-work
Wizard’s Apprentice
Black Grimoire24
Knows arcane lore.
Hand axe
Bundle of wood
Knows wilderness lore and survival skills

Rules Addenda:
1.   Oil and flask – 5ft radius area from impact; DC10 Reflex save to avoid; flammable if ignited, 1d4 points of fire damage for 1d3 rounds.  otherwise it’s still slippery and provokes a DC13 Reflex save or victim trips and falls prone.  They cannot stand until they succeed at this check or wash themselves clean.  The check must be made every round the victim is standing until it is washed off with at least 10 gallons of water.

2.   Spyglass – allows viewer a (4x) multiplier to spotting distance, and a general +1 bonus on spot and search checks for distances beyond 100ft.

3.   Jar of Honey – aside from its nutritive value, it makes a good short term adhesive and has antiseptic properties, granting a +1 bonus to a healing check.

4.   Barrel – Roll 1d16 to see what is inside:  (1) Fresh water, (2) Spoiled water, (3) Vinegar, (4) Pears, (5) Wine, (6) Grain, (7) Ale,
(9) Arrows, (10) Lard, (11) Exotic Spices, (12) Fuel/lamp Oil, (13) Gherkins, (14) Salted meat, (15) Vegetable oil, (16) Pickled Eggs

5.   Random types of fruit – Roll 1d12, 3 times to see what they have: (1) Apples, (2) Bananas, (3) Cranberries, (4) Grapes,
(5) Strawberries, (6) Raspberries, (7) Blackberries, (8) Coconuts, (9) Nectarines, (10) Papayas, (11) Pineapples, (12) Mangos.

6.   What’s in the small chest?  If they get passed the DC15 lock: Roll 1d10; (1) cursed gem worth 100gp, (2) 1d10 Stolen gems worth 100gp each, (3) 1d3 Arcane Scrolls, (4) 1d3 Divine Scrolls, (5) Secret government Documents, (6) The King’s long lost crown,
(7) 1d100x5 GP, (8) Treasure Map wanted by pirates, (9) +1 Magic dagger, (10) Lock DC is 20, Imprisoned faerie Prince/Princess

7.   Dwarven Apothecarist are renowned for their skill at concocting strange and powerful elixirs.  These concoctions can be created via a recipe that requires rare ingredients, 100gp, and 2d3+1 days to prepare.  The Apothicarist must succeed at an intelligence check with a DC = to the DC of the draught they are creating, or 15, whichever is greater.  At present the dwarf has a Steel vial of …Roll 1d12: (1) DC20 poison causing 2d6 STAM damage, (2) DC15 poison causing 2d4 STR damage, (3) DC15 poison causing 1d6 Agility damage, (4) DC13 poison causing 1d4 INT damage, (5) DC13 poison causing coma like sleep for 2d12 hours,
(6) Antidote – this powerful purgative can remove any natural venom or poison.  It grants the imbiber a new save against the toxin with a +5 bonus. (7) Vitality – this liquid restores 1d4 hit points.  (8) Stimulant, +2 on checks versus fatigue or sleep effects, (9) Brain booster, grants a temporary +2 bonus on spell casting checks for 30 minutes, then a -1 on spell casting checks for 1 hour. (10) Liquid Jitters – this concoction amps the reflexes, granting +2 on initiative checks and Reflex saves for 30 minutes then a -1 on initiative and reflex saves for 1 hour. (11) Liquid Muscles – this tincture grants +2 on attacks and damages for 30 minutes and then inflicts a -1 penalty to these functions for 1 hour. (12) Elixir of vibrant health grants the caster +10 temporary hit points that are used before natural hit points and a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves; bot the temporary HP and the bonus fade after 30 minutes and then the imbiber suffers -1 penalty to Fortitude saves for 1 hour.  They also take 2 points of damage that heals normally.  

8.   Random Farm Critters: roll 1d14 modified by luck
CCD Page Number
Battle Chicken, (hatchling the size of a normal chicken)
Chicken (normal)
GoatD, H
PigD, H
SheepE, H
D= Dwarven Characters whose roll indicates a goat may use stats for a mountain goat. Likewise they may use the stats for wild boar if their roll indicates pigs, and they always have a dwarven mule if one is indicated.  Dwarven mules are normal in all respects, except they have darkvision out to a range of 60ft and they aren’t afraid of underground environments.

E= The sheep given to elven characters is incredibly special, and valuable.  Elven sheep are cross bred with earth elementals and their wool may be processed into strands of mythril yarn/thread.  Likewise, if an elven shepherd is given a horse, and the character succeeds at a DC20 luck roll, then it is a winged horse (CCD142). If they succeed at this check with a 25+ then they have a young Unicorn (CCD216).

H= Half-orc hunters will have the wild versions of these critters.

9.   Pick-axe – New weapon that may be used as either an axe or as a pick and this is declared prior to the attack.  As an axe it does 1d8 damage and has the abilities of any other axe EXCEPT that it isn’t balanced for throwing.  As a pick the weapon does 1d6 points of damage; & adds +1 to the results of any critical hit result.  On an unclaimed MDoA die result of 3+ it will ignore half the target’s armor value. Weighs 6lbs, costs 12gp.

10. Filter mask & Goggles – New equipment that grants the wearer +1 on any saves versus dust, pollen, spores, and toxic gasses.  It weighs 3lbs, costs 50gp and prevents character from wearing any other head or face gear.

11.  Net – Undefined equipment – that ignores the target’s bonus from armor class.  If caught in a net, the victim must succeed at a Reflex save or Strength check with a DC = attack roll or they are tripped and fall prone.  Critical failure indicates the victim is rendered completely helpless.  Weighs 3lbs and costs 7gp for every 5ft hex it covers.  Range is = 5ft/ 10ft/ 15ft for a medium sized character.  Add 5ft to each category for each increase in the thrower’s size class; small characters default to this range and may not throw any net larger than that which covers a single hex.

12. Falcon  – Undefined critter – Use the stats for a small eagle (CCD47), but these falcons have an intelligence score of 9 for elven version.  In general falcons have a fly speed of 750ft/rd, Acceleration is 200ft/ round, Deceleration is 300ft/rd, Glide is 5ft, and they may hover for up to 6 rounds.  These falcons may dive from as much as 2000feet or more and prefer hunting other birds rather than ground animals.  These specialists cause triple damage when using their Aerial Predator ability and they subtract 1 from the DC when attacking an aerial target, but they add two to the DC versus ground targets and falcons do not have the “cry of the hunter” ability of eagles.

13. World Map…  Self-explanatory, but the Storyteller should feel free to hand out whatever map(s) are needed / accessible for the adventure.

14. Minor divination skills – This ability may also be given to the Mendicant, Beadle, Elven sage, and the Astrologer characters at the Storyteller’s discretion, but only the first successful augury attempt on any given subject counts as real if multiple checks are made on the same question or subject.  Character rolls a knowledge check with their action die + INT modifier + misc. modifiers (if any) and check the result against the Second Sight spell (CR267).  This may be done once per day by each character regardless of success or failure.  A standard failure indicates the Scrying attempt causes 1 point of temporary intelligence damage that heals normally.  A critical failure indicates that they suffer 1d4 points of intelligence damage, half of which (rounding up) is permanent.  A critical success indicates that the character gains a +2 bonus to the augury’s results. 

15. Skull… Mostly this is just a creepy plot for the players, and/or a convenient place for the Storyteller to add a clue or game-hook; but if the character succeeds at a DC 13 luck check, the skull is human, but with nothing extraordinary about it.  Success at a DC18 luck check indicates the skull is haunted by its former occupant.  In this case roll a second time on table 1-3 to see who/what this person was and what they might know about. If the character succeeds at a DC 19 luck check, then the skull belonged to a character with 1d3 class levels.  A successful DC20 luck check indicates that the skull belonged to a character with 2d5 class levels.  Whether the spirit is cooperative or friendly is up to the storyteller.

16. Powered Cart…  For all intents and purposes, this is a standard 10ft wide by 15ft long wagon, the wooden spoked-wheels are set to give it about 2-3ft of clearance.  It has a wooden bench at the front and wooden panels to create the bed and tail-gate like any other wagon of its type and it even has a rudimentary suspension system.  However this wagon cannot be hitched to a dray-team, instead this vehicle has a circular wheel and a series of levers and pedals arranged on one side of the drivers bench.  These strange devices attach to a quazi-mechanical/ magical box situated in the middle of the front axle bearing the label “GnomeTech” on an ornate brass boilerplate.  Neither the wagon nor the curious character will survive the opening of this box.  If used properly, the cart will trundle about as a speed of 80ft per round, it can accelerate at a rate of 20ft/ round and may decelerate at twice this rate.  They need to be “inspected” every 6 months by a Guild Engineer, but otherwise the “motivator” does not need to be refueled or maintained.

17. Gear-work – refers to any device or construction that utilizes gears, springs, and/or steam power to automate or enhance the properties of a tool or weapon.  Such devices are complex and fragile and require a certain level of mechanical aptitude or training to use and maintain this type of equipment.

18. Bronze Breastplate – New Armor type – character also gains matching bracers and greaves.  Combined and worn over normal clothing this grants +3AC, has a Physical check penalty of -2, and a fumble check of d10, costs 30gp and weighs 35lbs.  Steel versions grant +4AC, has a Physical check penalty of -2, and a fumble check of d8, costs 50gp and weighs 25lbs.

19. Herbs… Roll 1d10 and Healers gain an additional +1 bonus to modify this roll; (1) dangerously poisonous; DC20 Fortitude save or victim dies. (2-3) Mildly poisonous; DC15 Fort save or 2d6 stat damage of some kind (Storyteller’s choice), 4-5= good quality fresh cooking herbs. (6-7) Good quality dried cooking herbs. (8-9) Medicinal herbs granting +1 on one healing check. (10) As result of 8-9 but there is enough for 2d3 applications.

20. Locket…  Mostly this is just a convenient place for the Storyteller to add a clue or game-hook; but if the character succeeds at a DC 13 luck check it is worth 25gp.  If the character succeeds with a 15-17 then the locket is worth 100gp; but a success of 18-19 indicates that the locket grants a minor power or skill bonus.  A result of 20+ indicates the locket grants a +1 bonus to any one ability score, the choice is up to the player, but it is permanent.  The bonus is lost if the locket is stolen or broken.

21. Random instrument… Roll 1d10 modified by luck for each column unless directed otherwise by the instructions or the Storyteller:
Instrument type
Sized for**
Acquired by…
Pair of Spoons or Finger Cymbals
Tiny creature
Horrible; -3 on skill check
Harp, grand (medium sized object)
Tiny creature
Terrible; -2 on skill check
Small creature
Shabby; -1 on skill check
Horn, no valve stops
Small creature
Winning a shady bet
Lute, 6 strings
Medium creature
Winning a shady bet
Minstrel sings or chants* 
Medium creature
Winning a competition
Horn, with 1d5 valve stops
Medium creature
Winning a competition
Medium creature
Good; +1 on skill check
Medium creature
Fine; +2 on skill check
Large creature
Superior; +3 on skill check
Purchased legally
*If the Pilfer Voice spell is in play, it is possible for voices to be stolen and given as objects, otherwise no need to roll for legal status.

** Instruments that are too large or too small impose a -1 penalty per step of different size the instrument was designed for.

Perform Check: The minstrel rolls action die + PER bonus + level to perform any song or use their musical instrument.  There are modifiers for the conditions, weather, indoors/outdoors, and listeners having helmets, listeners are covering their ears, etc.

Singing for your supper:  A minstrel may sing and entertain the masses with songs, jokes, riddles and news of the the world byond the local village in order to gain food and lodgings in most civilized lands.  Players are encouraged to compose ditties as often as possible, but for game purposes the effects can be reduced to the following generic song results table.  The minstrel performs for at least 1 hour and then makes the perform check.
Dice Roll:
Natural 1
Minstrel has offended the audience so badly that they are pelted with rotten food & such and must flee.  They make a luck roll Vs DC= 10; failure means they must flee the town or district if it is a large city!
Accidental Parody: The Minstrel has either chosen the wrong song for the wrong crowd, or otherwise mangled a time-honored classic; regardless they are pelted with rotten food & such and must flee the stage and will NOT be getting fed tonight!
8 - 9
Song performed poorly:  The Minstrel has performed well enough to earn some scraps of food and a patch of rug next to the fire, but will have to share it with the dogs.  Anyone else with the Minstrel will pay for their accommodations at +20%.
10 - 14
Competent performance:  The Minstrel has managed to catch the attention of the audience and even draws a few folks from the street.  The ostler is pleased and grants basic food and lodgings to the Minstrel & friends at half price
15 - 19
Precise Performance: The Minstrel has engaged the audience and has attracted enough folks from the street to impress the owner of the establishment.  The Minstrel their companions may stay for free.
Natural 20
Harmonic Convergence:  The Minstrel has managed to pick just the right song and has performed it in just the right way to evoke profound emotions in the audience. It is a performance that will live in their memories forever and any interactions the Minstrel has with these folk will always start at “friendly” in their opinion of the Minstrel & company.  This is usually enough to garner a 15-20% discount on services or perhaps volunteer important information, etc.
20 – 25
Strong performance:  The Minstrel has wowed the audience and has attracted enough folks from the street to greatly impress the owner of the establishment.  The Minstrel & their companions may stay for free and gain a +1 on all attempts to gain information as well as a one time 10% discount on supplies the ostler might have on hand.  The Minstrel earns an additional fee = their perform check result + their level + PER bonus in copper as their share of the nights proceeds.
26 – 30
Masterful Performance:  The Minstrel has stunned the audience and has attracted a standing room only crowd.  The owner of the establishment is so impressed that the Minstrel & company will stay for free at this establishment for the rest of the week if they need the rest; with the implication that the Minstrel will perform at least once more at a +2 on the check.  The Minstrel earns an additional fee = their perform check result + their level + PER bonus in silver as their share of the nights proceeds.
Virtuoso Performance:  The Minstrel has stunned the audience and has attracted a standing room only crowd.  The owner of the establishment and the folk in the audience are so impressed that the Minstrel & company will stay at free at this establishment for the rest of the month if they need the rest; with the implication that the Minstrel will perform at least once more at a +4 on the checks.  The Minstrel will always have a +2 on perform checks when they stay at this establishment in the future.  The Minstrel & their friends will be able to gain a 10% discount on services from anyone in the audience.  The Minstrel earns an additional fee = their perform check result + their level + PER bonus in gold as their share of the nights proceeds.

22. Strange looking rock – Roll 1d10; (1) long lost piece of a dead god, it will teach the owner of the rock the name of that god granting a +2 bonus on all divine casting checks as long as the owner of the rock sacrifices one sentient being to the dead god on each full moon.  (2) Miniscule Earth Elemental – it has all of the senses and movement abilities of a normal elemental, but it can only speak to its owner and has no combat ability unless thrown like any other rock. (3) Lump of Orriculum – grants +1 on arcane casting checks, but the owner must succeed at a DC13 Fort save once a month to avoid mutation/corruption.  (4) Lump of Star-metal – there is enough here to make one short sword, or two daggers. (5-6) It’s just a rock, but it can be used as an improvised hammer or club causing 1d3 + strength modifier in bludgeoning damage.  (7) Lump of particularly potent Loadstone – requires DC11 STR check to pull it away from metal items.  (8) Lump of Phosphorescent rock – if left to sit in sunlight, it will absorb enough energy to glow softly in the dark for half that time.  Regardless of how long it will last in the dark, the duration is divided roughly in thirds: during the first it glows as bright as a lantern, during the second segment it glows as bright as a torch, for the last third of its glow time it is no brighter than a candle. (9) Geode – if it remains unbroken then it becomes a conduit for arcane knowledge from the invisibly small universe that resides within.  If it is broken, it summons a type 3 demon with 5d12HD.  This demon will perform one task for the creature who freed it, but then it is unbound and free to act as it wishes. (10) If broken it reveals that there is a raw gem inside this can be sold for 2d30gp, or it can be cut and polished to enhance its value, Storyteller will set conditions, DCs and final cost outcome.

23. Push Cart…Roll 1d12; (1) Tomatoes, (2) Nothing, (3) Straw, (4) Your dead, (5) Dirt, (6) Rocks, (7) Bricks, (8) Dung, (9) 1d6 barrels, see entry #4. (10) 1d4 small chests, see entry #6, (11) Sack with 3d30 platinum coins stolen from the local bank (or equivalent) (12) Roll 1d24 and consult this list of foot-notes, and a further result of 23 indicates the cart is empty.  A result of 7= one steel vila of… is found, a result of 14= Tarot deck is found, 16= there is in fact a Powered-cart in the cart!  It has the additional power that it collapses down to a crate the size of a 5ft cube in 5 rounds.  Re-expansion to normal size takes the same amount of time. A result of 17= small clockwork item/weapon of the Storyteller’s choice.

24. Black Grimoire… This book contains everything a character needs to become a wizard, how to cast, why it works, starting spells, and player’s choice of patron.  Character makes a luck check and on a result of 20+ the book is also a complete copy of Liber Arcanum…