Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Skies of Áereth

Moons of Áereth, and the Ring of Valdreth: 

Áereth has two moons, one natural, and one artificial.  The natural moon is pale white and is in most respects just like our moon here on Earth with respect to orbital dynamics, size, and distance from Áereth; but it is a bit more regular than ours here on Earth and since Triad Space has an atmosphere the moon appears to have flowing silver hair...

The other is known as “the Spectral Moon,” and many a scholar has pondered its existence; some even claim that the Gods did not put it there.  The Spectral Moon is trapped in an orbit that is closer to the planet surface than the natural moon, but the plane of the orbit is tilted so that the spectral moon is only seen in the Northern hemisphere for 5 years out of every 100; so many folks are surprised when it returns.  The Spectral Moon orbits at a distance of 26,000 miles (center to center) and has a diameter of nearly 90 feet.  Natural light is absorbed and re-radiated as a sickly red-purple-violet fire: making it look like a small dark-purple sun and bathing southern nights in lurid lavender hues.  Even still, the moon itself can barely be seen directly by mortal eyes [usually by its interference the thin atmosphere of Triad Space, but sometimes with the larger pale moon] and to stare into its Stygian depths for protracted periods of time can be quite hazardous to ones sanity. 

The ring of Valdreth is a chaotic zone of trapped gas, liquid, and solid debris from the Gods first attempts at creation; all orbiting in a vast ring perpendicular to the plane of the rest of the planets.  It is closer to the sun than all the others, so strange and wonderful creatures inhabit most of the ring.  Its position relative to Áereth causes seasonal displays of light and shadow as the light plays through the liquids & solids, but in summer it is barely seen accept in the wee hours of dawn & dusk.  During the winter it is an arching cascade of sparkles reaching out into the night that is even slightly visible during the day; particularly in the Northern Hemisphere.

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