I've had my doubts about the DCCRPG magic system from the beginning; mostly because of the fact that the game system applies alignment directly to the "force of magic." This isn't the first time I've run into this concept some of the DM's I've had have tried this too, but the first time I've ever seen a game system "hard-wire" the concept. I don't like that aspect.
I've always taken the approach that The "force" that powers a magic spell or item, etc., is no different than "electricity." Impartial, applies affects to all. In my FRPG worlds magic is just one of the forces available to be manipulated... in terms of the physics: Magical force, Strong & weak nuclear forces, Electro-static force, and Gravity. The difference is that the magical force has the property and facility to alter the other laws/forces of physics at the command of a skilled caster temporarily or sometimes permanently.
I didn't like the Patron based magic that was presented in the beta rules, but now that I've added a list of "Good" & "Neutral" Patrons for players, the system has grown on me. It allows me to add a few powers defined by the Patron to the wizard player and gives me a new tool for "steering" the wizards in the game.
I plan to write up the Patrons as I need them, & I only have one wizard player in the game right now so here is the write up for that players Patron:
The Goddess Aristimis has sent to you a Spirit guide in the form of an old feather quill. This tattered but surprisingly functional writing instrument has the ghostly spirit of a once faithful wizard (long dead) attached to it. It’s arrival was as odd as the quill itself; having been bundled up with a piece of parchment (Patron Bonding spell) You cast the Invoke Patron Spell 1x / week; of which the quill is an integral component.
Furthermore your wizard is marked as one favored by Aristemis: the back of one of your PC’s hands now sports a stylized arrow tattoo and cast the Invoke Paton Spell at +1. You may not cast the Patron Bonding spell on others, and after you finish the successful casting, the spell fades from your memory and the parchment; but at least you have a nice piece of parchment now.
The Spirits name is Thob, and the character communicates to the spirit via written questions by the wizard that are then wrapped on a summoned arrow and launched into the air. The responses are inscribed and returned in the same manner with any answers and the arrow lodges in the brain-pan of the wizard, which stings a bit as 2 points of stats are burned (players choice) as the information/ service requested (etc) is communicated telepathically. The arrow fades leaving no evidence of a wound.
The wizard may summon forth an arrow and fire it as if using a long bow. This acts as a normal arrow fired from a normal bow, but no bow is required and the wizard uses their standard attack bonuses. The wizard must have the tattooed hand free to cast (not tangled or holding something) and be able to see the target per the normal targeting rules. Using this ability takes the place of a normal spell casting, and his daily quiver of arrows is = Intelligence score. This ability will even function within an anti-magic zone if the wizard is willing to stat burn 1 point for each arrow… this can even take the wizard beyond his daily maximum of arrows.
Invoke Patron results table:
1- Fail: no taint, but the wizard must make a reflex check for half damage vrs the arrow. Arrow summoning ability is suppressed for the rest of the day and for the next 1d4 days…
2-11 Fail and arrow summoning ability is suppressed for 1d24 hours…
12-14 Success: Thob will either answer 10 questions on any given subject; though there is no real way of knowing what he might or might not know. Or the summoned arrows function as +1 arrows for the next 1d6 hours; or, the wizard is granted +2 on all diplomacy checks for the next 1d6 hours.
15-17 Success: Thob will answer 15 questions; or, for the next 2d3 rounds all summoned arrows fired by the wizard will split into 3d3, +1 arrows. Each is rolled separately. The wizard may choose instead to gain +2d3 on any diplomacy or “fast talking” attempts for the rest of the day.
19-22 Thob may be summoned to chat for 60 minutes; or, the wizards arrows are +2 for the rest of the day and for the next hour they may be charged with 2d4 elemental damage (fire, acid, electricity, sonic). Or the wizards voice is charged with arcane energies such that their voice functions as a charm person spell (with this result level) but with a radius = 10ft / wizard level.
23-26 Thob may be summoned to chat for 2d3 hours; or, the wizard’s arrows are +2 for the rest of the day and for the next 3d3 rounds they may be charged with 2d4 elemental damage (fire, acid, electricity, sonic) and each arrow is split into 2d3 arrows. Or the wizards voice is charged with arcane energies such that their voice functions as a charm person spell (with this result level & +2 save DC) but with a radius = 20ft / wizard level.
27-29 Thob may be summoned to chat for 3d3hours; and, the wizard’s arrows are +3 for the rest of the day and for the next 2d3hrs they may be charged with 2d8 elemental damage (fire, acid, electricity, sonic); and the wizards voice is charged with arcane energies such that their voice functions as a charm person spell (with this result level & +2 save DC) but with a radius = 20ft / wizard level.
30-31 Thob may be summoned to chat for 1d4 days; and, the wizard’s arrows are +4 for the rest of the day and for the next 2d4hrs they may be charged with 2d8 elemental damage (fire, acid, electricity, sonic); additionally for the next 2d10 rounds each arrow will split into 3d3 arrows; and the wizards voice is charged with arcane energies such that their voice functions as a charm person spell (with this result level & +3 save DC) but with a radius = 30ft / wizard level.
32+ Thob may be summoned to chat for 2d3+1 days; and for 1d3 days the wizards arrows are +3 and charged with 2d8 elemental damage (chosen once; fire, acid, electricity, sonic); additionally for the next 2d3 days the wizard may invoke arrows to split into 4d3 arrows for up to 4d3 rounds; and the wizards voice is charged with arcane energies such that their voice functions as a charm person spell (with this result level & +3 save DC) but with a radius = 40ft / wizard level.
Thob Summoning: most of the time this takes the form of the wizard writing down the question and then letting the quill scribe the answers, but the wizard may ask him to cast one of the 3 patron spells on the wizards behalf. Invoking this ability costs the wizard another point of spell burn for each level of spell that Thob casts; and the service ends any communication with him for the rest of the day.
Level: 1
Range: self or others
Duration: varies
Casting Time: 1 action
Save: none, or willpower
General: Aristemis is one of the children of Gorhan and valor flows through her veins; but unlike her father, she is willing to take a realistic look at the battle. She recognizes that there is no shame in retreating from a more powerful enemy. Therefore she grants this spell for those times when the tide of battle has turned against the wizard and diplomacy has failed. Then it is time to run… this spell may only be used for running away from combat or danger that cannot be overcome by the means at hand.
1-5: spell lost
6-11: Success, the spell grants the target +5ft of move rate & +1 on all physical checks related to movement. Duration is 2 hours / level of wizard.
12-17: Success, the spell grants the target +10ft of move rate & +1 on all physical & mental checks related to movement. Movement speed now applies to swimming. May activate the spell for up to 1 additional person per INT bonus. Duration is 2 hours +1 hour/ level of wizard.
18-19: Success, the spell grants the target +10ft of move rate & +2 on all physical & mental checks related to movement; +1 on AC and saves. Movement speed now applies to swimming & climbing. Duration is 3 hours +1 hour/ level of wizard.
20-23: Success, the spell grants the target +15ft of move rate & +2 on all physical & mental checks related to movement; +2 on AC and saves. May now activate the spell for up to 2 persons per INT bonus. Duration is 3 hours +2 hours/ level of wizard. Plus 1 point of spellburn.
24-27: Success, the spell grants the target +15ft of move rate & +3 on all physical & mental checks related to movement; +2 on AC and saves; +1 Attacks and damage. Movement speed now applies to swimming & climbing, and flying. Duration is 4 hours +2 hour/ level of wizard. Plus 2 points of spellburn.
28- 29: Success, the spell grants the target +20ft of move rate & +3 on all physical & mental checks related to movement; +3 on AC and saves; +2 Attacks and damage. Movement speed now applies to swimming & climbing, flying, & burrowing. May activate the spell for up to 3 persons & 100# of cargo per INT bonus. Duration is 6 hours +3 hour/ level of wizard. Plus 3 points of spellburn.
30-31: Success, the spell grants the target +25ft of move rate & +4 on all physical & mental checks related to movement; +3 on AC and saves; +3 Attacks and damage. May activate the spell for up to 5 persons & 10,000# of cargo per INT bonus. Duration is 1 day +1 day/ level of wizard. Plus 4 points of spellburn.
32+ Success, the spell grants the target +30ft of move rate & +5 on all physical & mental checks related to movement; +4 on AC and saves; +4 Attacks and damage. Movement speed now applies to swimming & climbing, flying, & burrowing. The wizard may now teleport to any spot they can see within 5x move rate. May activate the spell for all persons & 100,000# of cargo within a radius = INT bonus x 25ft. Duration is 2 days +2 days/ level of wizard. Plus 5points of spellburn.